This is: Thomas Jefferson's birthday. The third President of the United States and writer of the Declaration of Independence would be 267 years old today. Eat some ice cream in his honor---he loved it---or even make some using this recipe found among his papers at Monticello.
Spirit food: "Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you." --- Thomas Jefferson
Brain food: Scientists are reconsidering whether hallucinogens could effectively treat depression, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. (via The New York Times)
Young adults today...: should not feel embarrassed to seek help for our bed-wetting behavior.
A joy: Hope therapy uses "goal-setting and motivational techniques" to energize and inspire people battling mild depression. (via Ode)
A concern: Three months after the earthquake that devastated Haiti, thousands of people are still living in tents as hurricane season approaches. (via BBC)
Churchy things: After several years spent trying to distance itself from the term, the LDS church has decided "to embrace and revitalize" "the M-word." (via The Pew Forum) Also, for proof that UUs and LDS have more in common than one might think, check out Feminist Mormon Housewives.
Unchurchy things: Join the world's biggest book club---on Twitter. (via The Rumpus)
Young adult(s) of note: Yassmine el Ksaihi, age 24, works as the administrator of her Dutch mosque and is seeking to help her faith become "more accessible to young Muslims born in a secular nation and make Muslims more acceptable to their neighbors." Under her direction, in order to to appeal to young adults, services are conducted in Dutch rather than Arabic and men and women pray together in the same room. (via AP)
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