11 May 2010

The Yes! Digest -- May 12th, 2010

This is: The birthday of Edward Lear, master of the limerick. It's also, appropriately, Limerick Day. Celebrate by reading (or composing) some. (This Yahoo directory has limericks on every topic imaginable, including physics.)

Spirit food: "You will find poetry nowhere unless you bring some of it with you." -- Joseph Joubert

Brain food: Depressing, but of interest: "A visual study regarding the frequent and premature death of rock-and-roll musicians." (via The Daily What)

Young adults today...: have been taken in by an "erroneous but widespread myth -- that hookahs are safer than cigarettes." (They are not---and no, the tobacco smoked in them "does not contribute to one's daily fruit and veggie quota"---but tell that to the one-in-four of us who've used one in the last year.) (via MSNBC)

UU news: "The Social Action Committee of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Athens (Georgia) is deeply saddened that a federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement officer arrested two immigrant fathers in Athens-Clarke County on April 28, as reported by the Banner-Herald in a May 1 story headlined 'Immigrants swept up in ICE operation.'"(via The Athens Banner-Herald)

UU voices: At her blog The Constancy of Change, Lessie calls on UUs and other religious liberals to have more compassion and less criticism for people whose beliefs differ from our own. We are all, she reminds us, on the same "path of sharing and love."

A (totally superficial) joy specifically for a certain kind of geeky outcast who came of age in the late 1990s: Daria: The Complete Animated Series---the show that made adolescence seem not only bearable, but funny---is now out on DVD! (via Jezebel)

A concern: The anti-feminist contingent on Facebook has designated the week of May 15 to 22 to be "National Punch a slut in the head week." As of this writing, over 19,000 people---the majority of them under age 30---plan to attend. Can someone please explain to me why this is okay/supposed to be funny? Because I really don't understand. (via Jezebel)

Churchy things: "To these monks, peacemaking requires militancy." (via The Morning News, Utne Reader)

Unchurchy things
How to...: "permanently delete a Facebook account." (If concerns about your privacy---or about people's behavior---have you wondering if you should, it's possible.) (via WikiHow)

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