Spirit food: "Every one of is called upon, probably many times, to start a new life [...] And onward full tilt we go, pitched and wrecked and absurdly resolute, driven in spite of everything to make good on a new shore. To be hopeful, to embrace one possibility after another---that is surely the basic instinct... Crying out: High tide! Time to move out into the glorious debris. Time to take this life for what it is." -- Barbara Kingsolver, HIGH TIDE IN TUCSON
Brain food:
- What will life be like in ten years? Forbes offers some possibilities. (via The New York Times)
- Jupiter has lost a stripe! (via BuzzFeed)
UU news: "The Unitarian Universalist Association Board of Trustees voted May 6 to ask the General Assembly to approve pulling the 2012 General Assembly out of Phoenix, Ariz." (via UU World)
UU voices: At UUJeff's Muse Kennel and Pizzatorium, Jeff Liebmann wonders why there aren't more holidays unique to Unitarian Universalism and asks if Mother's Day should be one.
A joy: "Reversing Bush's oh-so-effective abstinence-only approach, healthcare reform allocates $375 million to teach teens comprehensive sex ed." (via Jezebel)
A concern/churchy things: "A Roman Catholic school in Massachusetts has refused to admit an 8-year-old boy on the grounds that his parents relationship is "in discord" with church teachings." (via Jezebel)
Unchurchy things:
- Muppet link of the day: "Top 10 Greatest Muppet Mash-Ups Ever" (Caution: language might be NSFW) (via Boing Boing)
- Total awesomeness: Tom Waits reads the poetry of Charles Bukowski. (via The Rumpus)
Young adults of note: "Kristin Richmond, 34, and Kirsten Tobey, 32, founded Revolution Foods, an organization whose mission is to provide school cafeterias with healthy food. Started in 2006, Revolution Foods now prepares 30,000 lunches and 20,000 breakfasts and snacks each day for kids in California and Washington, D.C." (via GOOD)
Have a wonderful weekend! I'll see you bright and early Monday morning!